Mathematica Cookbook Book Review
Mathematica Cookbook helps you master the application's core principles by walking you through real-world problems. Ideal for browsing, this book includes recipes for working with numerics, data structures, algebraic equations, calculus, and statistics. You'll also venture into exotic territory with recipes for data visualization using 2D and 3D graphic tools, image processing, and music.
Although Mathematica 7 is a highly advanced computational platform, the recipes in this book make it accessible to everyone -- whether you're working on high school algebra, simple graphs, PhD-level computation, financial analysis, or advanced engineering models.
Although Mathematica 7 is a highly advanced computational platform, the recipes in this book make it accessible to everyone -- whether you're working on high school algebra, simple graphs, PhD-level computation, financial analysis, or advanced engineering models.
- Learn how to use Mathematica at a higher level with functional programming and pattern matching
- Delve into the rich library of functions for string and structured text manipulation
- Learn how to apply the tools to physics and engineering problems
- Draw on Mathematica's access to physics, chemistry, and biology data
- Get techniques for solving equations in computational finance
- Learn how to use Mathematica for sophisticated image processing
- Process music and audio as musical notes, analog waveforms, or digital sound samples
About the Author:Sal Mangano
Sal's two books (XSLT Cookbook and Math Mathematica Cookbook) may seem to be an odd pair of technologies for a single author but there is a common theme that reflects his view at what makes a language powerful. Both Mathematica and XSLT rest on the idea of pattern matching and transformation. They may use these patterns in different ways and transformations to achieve different ends but they are both good at what they do and interesting to program in for a common reason. Sal's passion for these languages and ideas comes through in both these cookbooks. He also likes to push technologies as far as they can go and into every nook and cranny of application. This is reflected in the wide mix of recipes he assembled for these books.
Sal has a Master's degree in Computer Science from Polytechnic University.