The Hidden Millionaire: Twelve Principles to Uncovering the Entrepreneur in You Book Review
Since launching his first business in 2004 when he was just twenty-one, Anthony Morrison s career has expanded exponentially. A self-taught Internet mogul, Morrison devised a one-man business operation while attending college full-time. The success of that venture saved his family s fortunes, and from there Morrison proceeded to devise a systematic approach to entrepreneurial success. He used this approach to develop another eleven companies, all of which have been highly profitable. The Hidden Millionaire tells that story, but there s more, because Anthony Morrison s story isn t merely inspirational; it provides real principles for guiding one s self through the trials and triumphs of entrepreneurial endeavors. Part guide, part autobiography, The Hidden Millionaire provides access not to just one man s story, but also insight into the means by which anyone can be successful as an entrepreneur. Anyone can tell you that you could or should be successful: Morrison tells you how. As thousands of his students will attest, Anthony Morrison doesn t merely lead in theory or even purely by example: his students leave with their first business operational. Wherever he has traveled, Anthony Morrison has left a trail of success stories in his wake.
About the Author:Anthony Morrison
Since launching his first business in 2004 when he was just twenty-one, Anthony Morrison s career has expanded exponentially. A self-taught Internet mogul, Morrison devised a one-man business operation while attending college full-time. The success of that venture saved his family s fortunes, and from there Morrison proceeded to devise a systematic approach to entrepreneurial success and used it to develop another eleven companies, all of which have been highly profitable. Raised along with his brother and sister in Madison, Mississippi by Roger and Sheila Morrison, young Anthony grew up in a family that encouraged intellectual curiosity, empathy for others and healthy self-esteem. Always independent and assertive, Anthony gave his parents a glimpse of his potential when, at the age of seven, he decided he wanted a Jacuzzi. Told by his mother that he would have to work to earn it, Anthony sold candy bars door-to-door until he had earned the money for the Jacuzzi. One year later, at age eight, he set his sights on buying his father a motorcycle and did just that, enlisting his siblings in the effort. Other successful part-time ventures followed, setting a pattern for his later life: find something you enjoy, learn as much about that subject as possible, and pursue your goals with single-minded enthusiasm. Whether it was selling baseball cards or customizing his prize Mustang, Anthony showed a predilection for achieving his goals and creating avenues to achieve them more efficiently and profitably. Without realizing it, he was creating the blueprint for his later success. When financial ruin threatened his family, Anthony expanded upon a business he d had as a teen and established his first company, Cool Blue Performance. Within one year he was working with every parts supplier in the industry; the following year he began manufacturing his own parts and dominating the industry. Since then Anthony Morrison has started eleven additional companies, created a charity, Christmas For Kids, and now operates one of the most successful seminar tours, Hidden Millionaires, in the United States. With Hidden Millionaires, Anthony not only teaches aspiring entrepreneurs how to succeed in business, he helps them start their first business and provides one-on-one instruction. The year 2008 sees Anthony expanding into the world of publishing with his first book, The Hidden Millionaire: Twelve Principles to Uncovering the Entrepreneur in You. Part memoir, part inspirational tale and part instructional tome, The Hidden Millionaire brings Anthony Morrison s template for success to an entire new audience. Today, Anthony Morrison travels the country sharing his story and teaching his skills to budding entrepreneurs. He is at home in Mississippi, where he was born and raised, and he remains close to the loving family and friends who supported him in his ascent to entrepreneurial greatness.