
Friday, October 23, 2009

Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Science

Noreen Dulin, Vanguard University of Southern California: "The text is very easy to read and the learning checks and sample problems give help to students to both understand the material and self-assess their understanding."

Mark Vosvick, University of North Texas: ". . . the language and treatment of statistics is very accessible . . . this is my first review of this textbook and I was very much impressed with it." --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition. Product Description
This brief version of Gravetter and Wallnau's proven best seller offers the straightforward instruction, accuracy, built-in learning aids, and wealth of real-world examples that professors AND students have come to appreciate. The authors take time to explain statistical procedures so that students can go beyond memorizing formulas and begin gaining a conceptual understanding of statistics. By integrating applications that reinforce concepts to ensure that even students with a weak background in mathematics can understand statistics, the authors skillfully demonstrate that having an understanding of statistical procedures helps students comprehend published findings, and become savvy consumers of information.