
Monday, August 24, 2009

Technical Communication Today

Product Description

Technical Communication Today remains the only text to fully centralize the computer in the technical workplace, presenting how writers use computers throughout their communication process.

Writers use their computers to help them think, research, compose, design, and edit. Not only is Technical Communication Today firmly rooted in core rhetorical principles, but the text also presents computers as thinking tools that powerfully influence how we develop, produce, design, and deliver technical documents and presentations.

Clear instruction not only describes technical documents, but also guides the reader through the activity of producing them. Technical Communication Today helps communicators draft and design documents, prepare material for print and Web publication, and make oral presentations; by bringing computers to the foreground as thinking tools, it accurately reflects the modern day computer-centered technical workplace.

From the Back CoverTECHNICAL COMMUNICATION TODAY, Second Edition
Richard Johnson-Sheehan

Whether you are a college student shaping your future or a professional building your qualifications, Technical Communication Today will prepare you for today’s information-based technical workplace.

Richard Johnson-Sheehan wrote Technical Communication Today to reflect how today’s students learn and technical communicators work–on the computer. Johnson-Sheehan’s driving principle is that the computer is the center of today’s communication, and that beyond being a word processor, it’s a thinking and writing tool. An emphasis on the activity of producing effective documents mirrors the reality of the technical workplace; the processes explained in the text are those followed by technical communicators. Johnson-Sheehan consistently applies rhetorical principles to guide you to creating audience-centered, result-driven documents for today’s reader. The book’s chunked design makes it highly navigable and scannable. This format allows you to raid the book for the information needed to complete a task.
The Companion Website, created concurrently with the Technical Communication Today, is a portal designed to work side-by-side with the text. You can do research, find various examples, learn new communication strategies, and download worksheets. Johnson-Sheehan is a regular presence on the website, available for questions and comments.


MyTechCommLab offers the best multimedia resources for technical writing in one easy-to-use place. Students will find model documents, guidelines, tutorials, and exercises for writing, grammar, and research. Features include:

* Actual examples of technical documents in the Model Documents Gallery and Interactive documents collection.
* Step-by-step guidance through the writing process with activities and exercises.
* The online reference of library e-books, includes Visual Communication and Workplace Literacy readers.
* Practice and assessment with grammar skills
* Access to the Research Navigator Web site for step-by-step guidance through the research process, discipline-specific library guides, and citation guidelines including MLA and APA. Students also receive access to EBSCO’s ContentSelect and Link Library. A new Research Navigator feature is the AutoCite bibliography maker!

If your textbook did not come with a student access card, go to to purchase an access code.
--This text refers to the Paperback edition.