Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Mind Capture: How You Can Stand Out in the Age of Advertising Deficit Disorder
"We all know that we're unique, proving it is the difference and Mind Capture is the key to that success. Every entrepreneur and small business should own a copy. Tony is brilliant and knows what he is talking about. He has thought of all circumstances and found ways to improve." -- John Assaraf "Author & President of OneCoach.com New York Times Bestseller "Having It All""
Product Description
FINALLY! A New Business Book That's Not Boring And Long Overdue. In mind capture you'll discover: *Ways to quickly investigate, cross pollinate and then detonate ideas into your marketing and sales efforts for maximum profits *Proven ways to crank up sales immediately and make your marketing sizzle *Simple strategies to save you time and money from becoming a marketing victim *Actual exhibits of successful marketing and publicity techniques in action *Why the shift from sales pitch to great content is critical to your success *How to quickly stand out in the age of media chaos and advertising noise to capture attention, repeat business and referrals Each generation a bold, unique, disruptor emerges to shake up the scene and status quo with a unique perspective on business. If you're looking to positively impact your sales, market, and industry you've found the perfect book.
Tony Rubleski